Can we take work-from-home out of the home?
As Hong Kong is embracing further social distancing measures in light of a new wave of coronavirus cases, some members of the Invotech...
Investing in Outer Space - Hong Kong's Next Frontier in 2020?
This whitepaper ( has been written for investors and associates of SinoAlpha Ventures, new to the discussion of...
You Don’t Need to Fundraise - As told by a venture capitalist
Entrepreneurship comes in all colors and flavors. Not every business has to raise US$20 billion dollars from visionary funds. There are...
The Global School Strike for Climate Action – a Societal Innovation?
In 125 countries students took to the streets on 15 March to call for urgent action on climate change. Supported by more than 12,000...
What is Climate Change?
This summer will see the release of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. The documentary is a sequel to An Inconvenient Truth (2006)...
Is Artificial Intelligence for Real?
It seems that everybody is talking about AI (artificial intelligence). Link 1 (August 5th, 2017) intimated that the technology community...
Public Libraries – a vital part of an innovation eco-system
Finland is consistently ranked as one of the most innovative countries in the world, and for the upcoming Invotech visit to the country,...
Smart City to Smart Region
Smart City has been a hot topic in Hong Kong for a couple of years. It is an all encompassing topic covering work, living, education,...
Hong Kong Vision 2.0 Pioneering Westward with Our Youths
Founded on international trade, having grown with trade, and now the 8th trading wonders of the world -- Hong Kong can begin another new...
Should our next Chief Executive of Hong Kong be an Innovator?
Hong Kong has another opportunity to elect, and put in place, the next Chief Executive (CE) for the Government in 2017, and chances are,...